The Con and The Hype - Part 2

Unfortunately, the hype of success has been misconstrued. Wall Street, for example, has camouflaged the attributes of gluttony through excessive wants and it has created appetites for the need for more. The Dow is easily manipulated and the S&P is stimulated by synthetic confidence. Then sleepless nights cause disarray for fear that the market will reveals its true lack of confidence to shareholders. No doubt, this will cause the stock market to have a downward spiral reaction. Although this tinkered attraction on Wall Street creates and gauges wealth, sadly, it is also used as a facade to portray success.
While many desire to wear the appearance of what they have been force to believe success should be, the tricksters continue to sell it day after day. Self-worth and true success come with awareness and understanding that material gain without the knowledge of truth is merely acquiring “Stuff.”