The Most Important Thing...

Two days ago I visited my mom’s RESTING place.  My eldest sister suggested that I place a poinsettia there and I did.  It was a wonderful idea because my mom loved poinsettias during this season.  My son and I always say a prayer when we visit, but that day I was alone.  I thanked God for allowing my mom to know him. Thankfully, there is no condition that is permanent, so when God gave my mom an opportunity to know him she took it all the way to Glory. Being an advocate for civil rights is good, being a developer of innovates products is good, being a remarkable teacher is good, being the best mom and dad is good, but when all things are said and done, the most important thing a person can do in their life is to learn and know the Maker and Creator of Heaven and Earth.  

Your First Guest for the New Year --- 2015

You should prepare for the NEW YEAR as a welcomed guest who will arrive just as the clock strike midnight on December 31. Because you anticipate this guest, you should look around the place of your dwelling at unresolved projects that you've procrastinated on completing throughout the year.

Even though most people think the new year is just another day, certain things should not be carried over the threshold of a new year. I'm not referring to old resolutions of deleting old habits or ending bad relationships, but other tangible things that are within your control to make happen.

Perhaps you have a piece of art that need to be framed and displayed on the wall or perhaps you need to finish hanging wallpaper in the bathroom or paint. Perhaps closets need to be organized or a dead bush needs to be cut down. Perhaps you need to install a space for your tools or clean the trunk of your car.

Tying up loose ends is a good way to end an old year; that way, when the new year is ushered in, you will be fresh and up to the tasks that come with it, your welcomed guest.


Use leverage... stand on your strongest asset then pull up your weak ones to make them stronger. (WISDOM...BY GOD)


Smile often, even for no apparent reason other than the sun is shining or the rain is falling, and God is Good!

A New Day

On this NEW DAY...What will you do with your SECOND CHANCE at life?
Someway…somehow…YOU have received unmerited grace; how will you use it?


"So many people think they need to be connected to people all of their waking hours. They fail to take advantage of being alone one on one with the Maker of Heaven and Earth and miss out on the true bond that could elevate their growth from man to God."

His Darling, My Darling

Humble and submissive to his Darling,
He says, “My Darling is your Darling.”
Awesome in Power, yet Gentle and Kind
There’s no need for another, for his Darling is mine
Free from the pollution of sinful ills.
My Darling seek only to please his Darling’s will.
Pure as clear crystal drops that descend from the sky.
My Darling is no less than the apple of His Eye.
Pure as heavenly snow-white doves-
His Darling is my Darling the one whom I LOVE.

This piece "His Darling, My Darling" is inspired by the relationships that Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Noah, and King David had with God, and the women who loved them. The wives recognized the commitment, covenant, and the entwined nature with God in their husband's lives. These men lives are examples of how the walk with God was a spiritual intimacy of being a friend with the Creator; He, (God) their Darling, was their keeper, and their strength, and He, God, became Darling to the wives of these men.

A Witness To History

God has placed each of us in a specific time to be: a witness, a testimony, a force, and a peculiar people until that which is perfect comes...then perfection of all things will be complete.

G20 Summit St. Petersburg, Russia (check-out) "The Hermitage Museum"

Russia and the State Hermitage

The Hermitage Museum is located in St Petersburg, Russia; the web address is  The site is remarkably organized to answer any question a visitor might have concerning: address, hours, tour days, admission price, bookings, and even closures. It is designed with 3D enhancement with virtual effects so that visitors all over the world can click on links, and experience great tributes of history.

     In 2011, almost three million Russian and Foreign visitors toured the exhibitions. The Hermitage is compiled of ten complexes wherein together they hold archeological objects, paintings, sculptures, numismatics, works of graphic and applied art, and more that total to nearly three million artifacts. 

     Each complex or Centre’s has a history of its commission, architect, forms, proportions, and year built. Each has been detailed and uniquely outlined that it complements the Director’s efforts. This also includes a layout of the name of each room; for example, I was surprise to see the Leonardo da Vinci Room, the hall of French Art the mid-18 century, the Augustus Room, and the Room of the Culture and Art of the Hellenistic Era. Each room has such a fascination of splendor that there is no question why Russian citizens are often included on the tour with foreign visitors.

     My most favorite was The Hermitage During The Siege; it included a dedication to those who preserved the artifacts during the war of 1941. I was in awe as I read about those who labored to protect those artifacts; the persevering of those items were treated as lives being saved; the perilously moments did not stop the love for Art and Literature. The galleries were designed with bomb shelters for such a purpose because those articles were destined to be preserved to remind us its history. Written by Zita Bett Spring 2013 Humanities Temple College
(After reading the comment from Samuel Jackson it provoked me to wonder on the following:) Help me understand this: how a man can walk away from his child, continue with his life, and never look back at his child until holidays. Though true, he may pay child support, but no phone calls to ask, "how was the first day of school?" never knowing if the child had a cold, fever, or scraped knee. No interaction until Christmas and Summer, is that a dad? That thin line between love and hate... is that it? hate for the mother? Hate for the woman who God allowed to give birth to a beautiful child who wear the man's name? A child should represents the pride of the dad; God said, "This is my Beloved son in whom I am well pleased." Pride for the Son should place you with the son no matter what because Mary, Jesus's mother, she was there with her son when he turned water to wine and when he died on the cross of crucifixion. Why distant yourself from the child because the mom will always be there. Why would a man not be there?

Dr. King 50th Year "Monumental Legacy" Memorial

 Commemorating Dr. King’s soaring speech 
and the 1963 March on Washington. 

     History has consciously inclined today’s leaders to respectfully reckon with their decisions; knowing that their actions will become the foundation to build their legacies, like Lincoln Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial for instance. Furthermore, history have provided paths wherein one can travel back in time to examine, discuss, and analyze events and decisions that have shaped legacies. Leaders were compelled by a need to not only prove they existed, but also of their desired demand to be remembered. Monuments, testaments, and the persisted interest of historians and scholars have forever helped to shape the legacies of leaders.

      Structures of such wonder continue to astound vast descendants worldwide. It is not strange for people to travel around the globe to experience the magnitude of such legacy as colossal monuments continue to remind the world of past events. Leaders were determined legacy builders; historians, scholars of history have obliged their eternal hope to be remembered through careful painstaking search; they have sought, excavated, and analyzed tangible artifacts of history  and have pieced them together like a lifelike puzzle that continues to resurrect their legacies in the minds of readers.
      Truly history has detailed the difference of each leader and outlined how each period of history was built upon the leaders’ personal belief in culture, religion, and government. To conclude, the grandeur monuments and epics have created many perceptions that will never be erased from history, and will forever be viewed as monumental legacies of their leadership.

Only God Has a 360 Degree of Everyone's Perimeter

Forgive...Without a 360 perception point of view, offends will come.
     Today while driving, I had to yield to a van that was in reverse midway out into the street. The driver of the van was having a conversation with a pedestrian. While I waited, another car proceeded to back up; it was apparent that the driver did not see me. I began to sound the alert by honking my horn, the driver of the car then stopped and gave me the right of way.
     As the pedestrian who was chatting with the van driver walked across the street, he looked at me and mildly said, "claim down". Within myself, I snapped at him because he was unaware of what had almost happened. It was then that the scripture came to me that said, "If your brother offend thee, forgive him."
     Seemly, everyone sees a situation from a particular point of view, and not from a 360 degree of perimeter's view . Therefore, there will be clashes. But God asks us to forgive one another. I then began to see how important it is to forgive, and let things go because many times those who might offend the another, their perception's might not be in focus of the full 360 degree of the fact.
     If we forgive one another, we can move on without carrying unnecessary emotions of bondage, such as anger, anxiety, frustration, and even guilt.

It has been said that every August 3rd is blessed

'I thank God for his grace, mercy and love; his patience and forgiveness have been the lifeline to my soul; He is my Hero, my Redeemer, and my Beloved; in Him do I trust.'

My Beloved

I once was asked to share
poetry of the one I love-
and with these words I now describe
his descendant from above.

His arms are might strong indeed-
yet in them I rest peacefully.
Within the palm of his hands of Love
I am so gently kept-
as I feel the breath of his lips-
he reveals himself in depth.

Sending chills…up and down my spine-
He says to me, “You will always be mine.”
By the whisper of his voice
his desires manifest, even, life’s creations;
when I’m tired or lonely
he stimulates my sensations.

He beholds me naked- with pureness of eyes-
he covers my faults and flaws-
in him there are no lies.

When he walks…
the earth magnifies his presence;
the sun arises smiling
to give unto him reverence.

The stars twinkle with joy because
he set them in his heavenly host;
the waters respond freely
from the softness of his stroke.
He carries with him the Mantle
and says that I am his-
for upon my forehead he has sealed me
with his kiss.
This is my Beloved-
the One I love

I wrote this several years ago, but I feel it even stronger today! God is Good.

“How God Added 32 Years to My Life” My Mom's Testimony

Testimony of Sister Bertha  (In her words)
“In 1981 I was a sick and crazy woman; I was nothing and nobody. I was drunk and needed help, but nobody tried to help me.  God sent Prophet Heslep to help the people who couldn’t help themselves. The first night of the tent revival, I sat there drunk and looked at him as he preached and told people how God wanted them to live.  He was anointed and moving in the Spirit so--- that I saw two of him.

After a while, I got sober; I had a big dip of snuff in my bottom lip, and I took the snuff out. I had dipped snuff for 33 years, but I never met any man who could make me want to take the snuff out of my mouth. That night when I left the tent, I never went back to drinking, snuff dipping or anything else I use to do.

I was about 47 years old then, and doctors said that they couldn’t help me. I knew I had something that I couldn’t live with, so I HAD to die. A woman had put witchcraft on me, and the doctors couldn’t help; I knew I would not live to see 50 years old.  But God sent Prophet Heslep to help me, and I was helped, delivered, and saved. Through him I was given a brand new life.

I didn’t know then what I know now- that it was God in the Prophet because I never met a man that could make me quite dipping snuff, drinking beer, and living in sin; he is not a man but God in the flesh. I share my testimony with everybody I can because I hope it will help somebody else.”

Sister Bertha lived Seventy-eight years,
 Eight months, and Sixteen days

("I will miss her dearly she was my mother and my friend.")
Zita Bett