Great– Is the Error of Misjudging Appearances

Evil is anything that turn you from your God given purpose
Evil wears such coverings...
Most often he/she dresses well, and sometimes in business attire
He/She often wears a lovely smile
His/Her eyes can appear of innocence
His/Her words are of pleasure
He/She is well pronounced, and well read
He/She is proficient in education
He/She has Humor and Laughter
He/She often mask in humility
His/Her forwardness is indirect
He/She claims honesty in deceit
He/She shows pity to your lack of abilities
He/She caresses your loneliness
He/She seeks to be sooth by you
He/She speaks part truths
He/She contradict facts, and even the Word of God
He/She is often attractive to look upon
He/She does not confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh
He/She know scriptures, but uses NO time for prayer
He/She seeks to capture your self worth
He/She seeks to rob you of spiritual riches
He/She counts on you to be ignorant
He/She depends on your misjudgment
He/She knows many forfeit wisdom for carnal pleasure
He/She has taken many to the grave without ever realizing their God given purpose

You've heard the saying...

“Tell the truth and shame the devil.”
Well, that's what you'll see unraveling throughout every post of this blog.
You might wonder,“Whose Truth?”
My response, “The truth that life teaches us.”
Truth such as FIRE is HOT;the reality of that is- fire BURNS!
As children, we grew up hearing, “Thou shall not commit adultery,”
but isn't broken homes, heartaches, and divorces the realities of this truth?
In this we can understand how reality produces the evidence of the TRUTH.

Simplicity In Wisdom

  • Your short comings and faults today do not determine your destiny. Unless of course, they are the sins of doubt and unbelief.
  • Dilemmas are not coded by color nor does any particular race have their own boundaries as to the problems which life brings.
  • Problems occur with the rich, the poor, the intellectual or the unlearned regardless to whether they are male or female.
  • Reaction to unplanned occurrences become our choice in how we entertain and apply their valuable lessons.
  • No one has been above making a mistake or a wrong choice when guided by emotions.
  • You don't necessarily have to be involved in complex matters to MATTER.
  • Unless we learn to lay aside the balls and chains that are linked to our daily lives, growth will continue to be hindered.
  • Try these on for size. Transparent glass slippers; one is allowed to see from the inside out as well as from the outside in.

The Elements Are Witnesses

The existence of intelligence has been recorded since the beginning of time. Centuries of many footprints are left behind;paths have been carved from great triumphs, many attempts, and painful failures; such paths have forever established models to warn us to seek for understanding. There is no secret thing done under the sun; there are eyes and ears where no soul abides; who can be condemned without a witness? Time itself is the collector and recorder of events; we shall reap what-ever we sow.

BE conscious to...

BE conscious to...

your physical state-
its strength and weakness;

your mental state-
the emotional stress;

your characteristic state-
being entwined with the replenished seed.