Stone of Hope

Jesus is the Rock...and "Out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope." Relief Sculpture... Body language depicted with arms crossed which signify a Determined and Unshaken Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Linked to HOPE Though Those Who Walk Close to GOD.

Yesterday while in the kitchen, my mind was on God; I thought on the recent service when the Prophet of God said that a person can walk so close to God--- that God would save his/her loved ones. I remembered faithful Father Abraham, and admired the promises of God that are yet carried from generation to generation, and unto many as would be grafted into that bloodline through faith.
Each of us has a valuable opportunity to secure our children with the same hope by walking closely with our Creator. Even if it seems that our children are spiritually struggling or battling the woes of life, OUR faithfulness to God matters greatly. Teach your children accordingly and never lose sight of HOPE, and the blessings of Abraham will reconcile itself in due season within their lives; and like Father Abraham, remember, let's seek to please God in all that we do, and his Grace will be sufficient unto us, and unto our children.