Why Are They RUNNING?

Run to God when the sun is shinning
Run to God when you get great news
Run to God when He rebukes the devour
Run to God when you are being misunderstood 
Run to God when the woes of life are crashing in
Run to God when you need a friend
Run to God when the storms comes
Run to god when your money runs low
Know that you are of the seed of Abraham whereby Jesus Christ, his descendant, was made an acceptable sacrifice for you

Silver and Gold

Many people in the SPOT light are compelled by those who gain from their publicity to push themselves to achieve a greater profit margin. And at the end of the day, in the reality of all that work, sweat and sacrifice, is nothing but VANITY.
The Guinness book of records is NOT the Lamb's Book of Life. Gold and Silver cannot deliver in the time of trouble.  There is NO greater Honor than to know the Son of the Living God.

Does Christ Own YOU?

1Cor :22
For he that is called in the Lord being a servant, is the Lord's freeman:
likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant.
Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
The name of the Lord 
is a strong tower: 
the righteous runneth into it, 
and is safe.
Proverbs 18: 10

Go Ahead, Laugh a Little...

Psalm 126 - 2: Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. 
"For the Lord, He is God."

I Am Here For You

I'll always be here for you
I'll always be true
You will never have to worry
I promise to bear the load you've carried
I know where things went wrong in  your life
now let me turn those wrongs into right
I will comfort you
and carry you through
   because I am here for you

Your Heavenly Father 

by Zita Turner Bett

A Question for You...

What does your existence say about you?
Become a part of a collective embodiment.
Tap into your uniqueness. 
Share your vast experiences. 

Highlight who you are. 

Refuse to be a space waster in the earth. 

Glorify God for creating you in His image. 

Sobriety… Not Drunken from Beguile

If you find yourself in a regretful situation, you can walk away with dignity and pride.

First of all...
  • Don’t buy in to options that could cause your self-respect to lose its luster. 
  • Prefer to be loved the right way, or suffer loss and be alone. 
  • Set yourself free when a man shows you that he doesn’t love you; 
  • Accept the consequences from your bad choices.  
In the end, let your actions be made in the sense of sobriety because you are a real woman.