Ye are the Light of the World

The earth is in darkness, 
and We are the LIGHT of the WORLD... 
Let people see the Light of God in your life; 
for many, it will be the only part of God they will ever see.

Your First Guest for the New Year --- 2015

You should prepare for the NEW YEAR as a welcomed guest who will arrive just as the clock strike midnight on December 31. Because you anticipate this guest, you should look around the place of your dwelling at unresolved projects that you've procrastinated on completing throughout the year.

Even though most people think the new year is just another day, certain things should not be carried over the threshold of a new year. I'm not referring to old resolutions of deleting old habits or ending bad relationships, but other tangible things that are within your control to make happen.

Perhaps you have a piece of art that need to be framed and displayed on the wall or perhaps you need to finish hanging wallpaper in the bathroom or paint. Perhaps closets need to be organized or a dead bush needs to be cut down. Perhaps you need to install a space for your tools or clean the trunk of your car.

Tying up loose ends is a good way to end an old year; that way, when the new year is ushered in, you will be fresh and up to the tasks that come with it, your welcomed guest.

The Journey...

Our journey requires interaction... 
and If we are honest with our imperfections, 
there are things about us that need reconstruction. 
Events, both positive and negative, help to build up, and tear down, 
and in some magnificent way bring us into a better position to, 
at the very least, humble us in a way so we can listen to the voice of God.

Monumental Legacies (Humanities 2013)

Monumental Legacies
History has consciously inclined today’s leaders to respectfully reckon with their decisions knowing their actions will become the foundation to build their legacies such as Lincoln Memorial and Mount Rushmore. Furthermore, scrolls of history have provided paths wherein one can travel back in time to examine, discuss, and analyze events and decisions that have shaped legacies. Leaders were compelled by a need to not only prove they existed, but also of their desire and demand to be remembered. Monuments, testaments, and the persisted interest of historians and scholars have forever shaped the legacies of the Pharaohs, Greek and Roman Emperors.
The plans of elaborate tomb monuments were legacies created to be admired as the sun and planets that remain in our solar system throughout generations. The Great Pyramids of Giza and the Temple of Ramses II for example, structures of such wonder continue to astound vast descendants worldwide. It is not strange for people to travel around the globe to experience the magnitude of such legacy as these colossal monuments continue to remind the world of past events. The Pharaohs’ hope of a god-like afterlife was an ingrained hereditary belief that bears witness to the records of the tangible monumental artifacts.
But, contrary to the Pharaohs, leaders like Julius Caesar, Alexander, Cicero, and Augusta were fully persuaded by the need to be ascribed as: leaders, world conquerors, warriors, orators, and philosophers with the adjective great to precede each term. These leaders were driven by a passionate need to take ownership in architectural designs, myths, legends, stories, songs, and poems such as Homer’s epic, Aenied, and Ennius. Julius and Augusta created the twelve month calendar; later, the months Quintilis and Sextilis were changed to July and August in their honor. These actions branded and preserved a tribute in the forefront of citizens’ minds and those who would learn of their leadership. Yet, unlike any of his predecessors, Constantine’s leadership was different. For example, wherein Herod and Nero’s legacies had been stained and tainted with the blood of innocent children and Christians, it was under Constantine’s command to cease the religious persecution and embrace Christianity, for he made it the official religion for the Roman Empire.
Moreover, these leaders were determined legacy builders. Historians, scholars, and archaeologists have obliged their eternal hope to be remembered through careful painstaking search. They have sought, excavated, and analyzed tangible artifacts: scrolls, tablets of clay, detail art, depiction on cave walls, epics, records, sculptures, paintings, and have pieced them together like a lifelike puzzle that continues to resurrect their legacies in the minds of readers.
History has detailed that each leader was different and each period in history was built upon the leaders’ personal belief in culture, religion, and government. Wherein the Pharaohs were obsessed with the preparation for the afterlife, these Emperors were obsessed with conquering the world in their current lives. The acts in how they lived seemed not only to determine their death, but also the legacies they built. To conclude, the grandeur monuments and epics have created many perceptions that will never be erased from history, and will forever be viewed as monumental legacies of their leadership.  Written by aka Reveal Says...

Praise Him!

Life is wonderful because there is a Mighty God who is merciful and mindful of all His creations. Behold  his footsteps in life. Praise him because He's so worthy; Love Him with all your hearts no matter if unbelievers have increased in status; soon, many of them will learn to fear, tremble and acknowledge the True and Living God of the Heavens and Earth.

Transform your meditation into a Prayer:

Relaxation Video:

As you relax, engage with the Almighty God...
Thank him for his blessings, 
Acknowledge the Blood of Christ to cover you 
and ask for forgiveness... 
Be at peace with the sweetness of his word... 
quote the Lord's Prayer...
quote, Psalm 23... 
Tell him that you Love Him more than anything...
Ask him to protect you and those who Love him. 
He will make it well with your soul.

August 3rd

It once was said, "Every August 3rd is Blessed." I take it as a standing order, especially because it is my Birthday. Love each of YOU! This my 52nd year in this world, and I hope and pray through God's grace I see many more.

God Is So SWEET!

I had a dilemma; it was a problem; God had an answer, and provided a solution. GOD is soooo SWEET!

Personal and Secret are Two Different Things

My Thought for TODAY: Personal and Secret are two different things? As we read the bible God has made sure to unfold every deed done under the sun...beginning with his chosen people. When they disobeyed and displeased God-- He did NOT hide it or cover it up...better yet, He exposed it. If you read your bible you can see their lives unfold before YOUR very eyes. This can help us to strive to be obedient and lean on God for His understanding. There are no hidden things done under the sun; whether it be good or bad, God is the rewarder of every work done under the sun.

The Taste That Life Brings

The Taste That Life Brings

I’ve tasted rejection-
it leaves the soul feeling lost-
insecure, and without hope.

I’ve tasted disappointments-
it’s like a wormhole
wherein one pulls self
inside to hide shame.

I’ve tasted fear-
the doubt that it’s coupled with
brings sadness to the soul.

I’ve tasted the pleasure of sin-
I’ve felt the seconds of natural bliss-
and reaped heartbreak and loneliness from it.

I’ve tasted the bitterness of hate-
my heart has bled from the substance
of its hurt and pain-
it led my feet to the gate of confusion.

I’ve tasted the presence of the fallen angel
its binding hold and sounds of terror
were only broken by my call
on the name of Jesus.

I’ve tasted the sweetness of love-
my heart has smiled; my feet
has skipped in the joy of it.

I’ve tasted being love-
it’s marvelous and does wonders
for the mind, body, and soul
by the sheer salutation of the giver.

I’ve tasted compassion-
it’s like a life-line, and with it
comes the strength of seven.

I’ve tasted forgiveness-
it refreshes like a mighty, majestic waterfall.
It cleanses the mind and body-
it restores the spirit
without ever remembering
what it washed away.

I’ve tasted the Joy of the Lord-
the evidence of his presence
were chills up-and-down my spine.
I’ve felt the warmth of his hugs-
even his kisses-
there is nothing to compare.

Author: Zita Turner-Bett

Lossen UP...

...only ten thousand remained to fight in battle, but for GOD, that number was still too large. Therefore, God had Gideon to take the men to drink water, for God himself selected the few. The few didn’t consist of those who used proper mannerisms or good etiquette; actually, those types were obsoleted, and not suited for God’s current purpose. But, rather, God chose those who submerged their mouths into the water and lapped, as a dog would lap, so don’t be socially hung up with these attributes: Refined, Cultured, Educated, Prone to Etiquette, Sophisticated or Proper; they are sure ways to keep you from being numbered among the few. KJV Judges 7-5

Women, There is a Love from Above

     This morning I sat on the floor and talked with God about love. I’m sure many of you have witnessed how some people have been married their entire lives and have never been truly loved. Seems it's inherent for most women to need, desire, and crave genuine love; I’m not speaking of desiring attention. Truth be told, many have given so much genuine love, but much love has spoiled many of those who never saw its true value.

     Even I have been unfortunate in marital relationships wherein there was turmoil, uncertainty, and anguish. But fortunately for me, I’ve found true peace, surety, and a comfort unmatched by any. I have found a place in God that many spouses would be too jealous for their wives to find. (It is something to experience.) I've learned how God supplies all things to those who love him, he gives us courage, and infallible strength to be marveled at; and for many who have had their virtues taken and stolen by snares by that wicked one, God will restore a 100 fold.

    This Love is beyond anyone attempting to prove their worth because God gives them worth and love each beyond compare. I hope one day you too will walk on this path; many of us are chosen to do so.

      I am reminded of Mary Magdalene she was the first woman who found THAT love I speak about. It was demonstrated when she washed his feet with her tears, kissed them, and dried them with her hair. Then she anointed his feet with ointment from an alabaster box. This wasn't done in secret, but openly. She wasn't a holy woman, but a sinner, and her life was never the same. The Pharisees questioned why Jesus allowed such a woman/sinner to touch him. The Love Mary Magdalene received and felt can only be experienced, and it gets deeper. Luke 7:37

Ready or NOT... The Hour of Your Visitation is at Hand

NO Confusion, This is the Original: God means ONE. God creates and uses the Original ... only man makes xeroxes... thereby creating their own perspective of what they can comprehend, or try to disprove; it's the reason they are still in darkness.

copy and paste in your web browser v=AL7V5GKRNNY

Are You Sincere About Seeing God?

For those of you who said yes and desire to grow closer to God, please watch this video.
Copy and paste this link in your browser. v=VVZfO-c710I

Hypothetical with God?

God Doesn't Test You Hypothetically.
When you are chosen to go through something go through something.

Sojourner Truth (1797-1883): Ain't I A Woman?

Delivered 1851 Women's Convention, Akron, Ohio Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about? That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman? Then they talk about this thing in the head; what's this they call it? [member of audience whispers, "intellect"] That's it, honey. What's that got to do with women's rights or negroes' rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full? Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him. If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back , and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them. Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say.

Stone of Hope

Jesus is the Rock...and "Out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope." Relief Sculpture... Body language depicted with arms crossed which signify a Determined and Unshaken Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Linked to HOPE Though Those Who Walk Close to GOD.

Yesterday while in the kitchen, my mind was on God; I thought on the recent service when the Prophet of God said that a person can walk so close to God--- that God would save his/her loved ones. I remembered faithful Father Abraham, and admired the promises of God that are yet carried from generation to generation, and unto many as would be grafted into that bloodline through faith.
Each of us has a valuable opportunity to secure our children with the same hope by walking closely with our Creator. Even if it seems that our children are spiritually struggling or battling the woes of life, OUR faithfulness to God matters greatly. Teach your children accordingly and never lose sight of HOPE, and the blessings of Abraham will reconcile itself in due season within their lives; and like Father Abraham, remember, let's seek to please God in all that we do, and his Grace will be sufficient unto us, and unto our children.